Took dad to his 3rd eye operation at Subang on 10th February 2012. Sis did not took a day off as she can just made use of her lunch break to visit father as her office is rather near to the surgery. We had lunch before at the same corner eatery in which dad's wheelchair had to negotiate some obstacles getting there; dad's eye was being dilated as we had our lunch. After lunch, we went back, They had did an eye check on dad earlier and the surgeon had father's eye examined and then took a photo. He told us that dad's eye had improved in that the wet area in the middle of the eyeball had dried up substantially; and their eye examination in which dad was asked to see alphabets of various size revealed that dad's vision had improve so that he can see another line and he can even make out two of the alphabets in the next line below. Formerly, dad can see the largest and the next largest lines of alphabets; so now he can see the 3rd line and even make out 2 alphabets of the 4th line in the decreasing sizes of the alphabets. We were glad to hear this news as it was like a bonus since the doctors had cautioned us not to expect improvements but rather to get the idea that the surgery is to protect his eye from further deterioration.
The little patch near the middle (south west) is the thing that gave rise to dad's vision problem; this was the old photo (date is incorrect; this also refers to the two other photos) ; the surgeon also showed us the newer photo after the first treatment and said that it showed the wetness had improved much and hopefully, it will improved more after the 3rd treatment.
The surgeon told us that before the operations, dad can see only the first two lines of the alphabets starting from the top. But after two operations, his vision had improved so that he can see the third line and even two alphabets at the 4th line. The surgeries were successful and hopefully, father's eye can see more of the alphabets at the 4th line after his 3rd and final sugery.